Best snow day ever
Here are some pics from my best snow day ever--yes, that's right: us grad students actually had a snow day a couple of weeks ago which is practically unheard of. The beauty of it was that it was the day AFTER our test #3(i.e. no new material to really study the next day) and it was an 8 hour day we missed! Unfortunately, it screwed the rest of the schedule up for a couple of weeks, but we just finished our LAST biochem test today, and what we did that day was TOTALLY worth it. So what happened. I called up my friend Dustin to tell him that we didn't have morning class. Then he calls me up and says that he found out we didn't have afternoon class either. So Dustin and Brian came up with a grand scheme to go to Mt. Hood on our day off! Brian's wife Julie is an elementary music teacher and had the day off too, so us 4 plus another gal from our class went skiing/snowboarding up at Hood Meadows! Julie and I were beginner skiiers (I had only been once before--when I was 12 or so!), but Brian and Dustin are experts, so they helped us out. I had a grand time, it was absolutely gorgeous (until it got a bit foggy), and the company was excellent! We then went and crashed at Brian and Julie's house with some yummy spaghetti and chatted till late.
Angela! Did med school eat you or what? I hope you're doing well, dude.
Let me know next time you get to do something totally disgusting in class.
8:36 PM
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